Focus on ongoing service and support coming from industry trained experts, not your local rep or service contractor. Service that instills confidence and brings reliability to the operation.

Our experienced team also has a standard template for critical spare parts to maintain on hand- catered specifically towards indoor ag and understanding exactly how to minimize down-time. Most importantly, what you get from our team isn’t just a one-time sale- but a lifetime of support from industry experts to keep you running reliably and within spec.

The refrigeration system design for HVACD equipment serving indoor farms must be modified for reliable, efficient and high-performance operation. The compressor is the HEART of the refrigeration system and must be able to match the cooling and dehumidification loads under extreme conditions:

• Low ambient to 0℉- Room temperature control to 1℉ with changing set points

• Room relative humidity control to 2% RH with changing set points • Lights on and off every 12 hours

• Plants growing, resulting in changes in evapotranspiration and irrigation rates

• Modulating hot gas with operation under constantly varying dehumidification loads and condenser ambient temperatures.

The compressor must have variable capacity to maintain the tight temperature and relative humidity set points. Linear unloading from 100% to 10% capacity at full compressor speed produces the closest load matching. – The compressor must be energy efficient – The compressor must be simple design for low cost and ease of service. – The compressor must allow for proper refrigeration system oil return under a wide range of operating conditions – Lastly, and most importantly, the compressor must operate reliably.

For these reasons URBAN FARMS uses only digital scroll compressors. How do we keep the compressors operating reliably and safely under these chaotic conditions? Imagine a patient that is overweight and stressed. Heart problems result, leading to cardiac failure. That’s where Urban Farms, the Cardiac Specialist arrives on the scene. The newly developed and designed AAON RN product has solved the lingering heart attack problem. This has disrupted and diminished the performance of every indoor grower regardless of the equipment manufacturer in use. Every compressor manufacturer has tested their compressors for a specific operating envelope. The compressor cannot reliably or safely operate outside of this suction and condensing temperature envelope. Indoor grower conditions are constantly driving the compressor outside their envelope. AAON has developed and lab tested a customized refrigeration system which keeps the compressor within a safe and reliable envelope. Crisis averted for the grower. Urban Farms and the grower will be able to remotely monitor the patient around the clock. We will be able to graphically view the compressor “heart beat” via newly developed compressor mapping in real time. Using this mapping with a wide array of other critical refrigeration metrics, we can pinpoint, trend and troubleshoot problems immediately. The service team can arrive at the unit with the parts needed to minimize downtimes. Every compressor on each circuit in all units on every grower site will have their heart monitored through AAON software. The grower connects each unit via twisted pair wiring and a remote interface connection activating the full monitoring software resulting in a healthy and extended patient life.

Urban Farms: The Experienced & Full-Service Specialist, we are passionate about helping growers succeed!

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